Swedish Massage
Available in Full body and Back massage.
Swedish Massage is a very effective and relaxing treatment, it relieves stress and anxiety on all levels and is often very benefical while in states of depression. The pressure applied during the massage relaxes tight muscles and relives tension. The stimulation to the skin is deeply relaxing and can make you feel reenergised.
Lavender Flame
The Lavender Flame is channeled from the ascended master Quan Xin, her energy is very loving and motherly. This is a much gentler energy to Reiki.
Violet Flame
The Violet Flame is a stronger energy that comes from Saint Germain. This is the energy of alchemy and will transfrom anything from dark to light.
Distance Healing
Flame Healing can be provided over any distance. It doesn't matter whether you are simply doing daily routines, are at work or even sleeping because this healing will always reach you no matter what, even if you are thousands of miles away.