Reflexology originated several thousand years ago in China and Egypt. It is now accepted by the medical profession as a valid complementary therapy along with physiotherapy, acupuncture and Homeopathy.
This therapy works with the natural energy of the body known as Chi or Ki which normally flows in an orderly way from the head to all parts of the body. This is known as the energy pathway, which runs through the body, and corresponds to all major organs, glands and systems of the body. This energy is sometimes disrupted by illness, injury, poor nutrition or mental distress. Reflexology involves a massage to the feet. This manipulation of pressure points, will relieve blockages, which brings the body and mind back to balance.
Your treatment will start with a confidential general discussion of any health issues or any emotional problems. This treatment is a therapy for deep relaxation which takes between 45-60 minutes. Generally most conditions will respond to reflexology with 4-6 weekly sessions. Improvements may be sudden or more gradual so it is worth continuing treatments for the duration of the course.
You will be surprised how much difference a course of reflexology can make to how you are feeling about your health and well-being.
The effect of reflexology is unique to each person, which is a pleasant and relaxing treatment. The frequency of treatments is agreed during the first consultation. A ten minute free consultation to discuss treatment options is available on request.
Physical and emotional benefits:
- Reduces muscular tension
- Relieves fatigue
- Increases energy
- Promotes refreshing sleep
- Strengthens natural self-healing mechanisms
Emotional and mental effects
- Promotes calmness and a sense of well-being
- Relaxes the body and mind
- Relieves stress
- Soothes emotional distress
Any possible contra-indications to reflexology will be discussed before treatment. I am fully trained and I will assess your requirements upon seeing you. This will give me the knowledge of any possible situations in which treatment is inadvisable.